*insert Witty Title Here*

I saw a crocheted pencil cloth and attempted to make it. I'm a very beginner crocheter and the whole double crochet into the back/front post thing had me a little confused and my pencil ended up with very uneven lines. Not at all like it should have looked. So I decided to whip up a knit version. And now I share with you all what I did.

  1. *insert Witty Title Here* Examples
  2. *insert Witty Title Here* Template

.Insert Witty Title Here. I am running away from my responsibilities and it feels good.-Michael Scott. Ask me Things:D Submit a post. Short ramblings of marie. Hi marie!, thanks for adding - I've been away from the FC so long, hypnotized by other stuffs, but since it's starting again must come back. Insert witty title here. My blog on poker, life, and other random junk. Thursday, July 28, 2005. Episode I - The Beginning I was introduced to “real poker” in the. .INSERT WITTY TITLE HERE. Inane thoughts and ramblings, because that is what I'm good at. Monday, January 11, 2016. For better or worse, here I am.

Supplies needed:
WittyScrap of black worsted weight cotton (aprx 5 yards),
small amounts of tan, grey and pink (aprox 8 yards each),
yellow (aprox 25 yards).
Size 7 needles
KFB= Knit into the front and back of the stitch, increasing 1
k= knit
p= purl
yo= yarn over
s1= Slip one

*insert Witty Title Here* Examples

Finished size is aprx 9' long and 6.5' wide. You can make it longer if you want.
With black: Cast on 2.
Kfb 2x (4 stitches)
k1, yo, k2,yo, k1 (6 sts)
slip 1, p5 - work yarn overs thru the back loop
s1, yo, k4, yo, k1 (8)*insert Witty Title Here*
s1, p7
s1, yo, k6, yo, k1 (10)
s1, p9
Switch to tan color (exposed wood color)
k1, yo, k8, yo, k1 (12)
s1, p to end
*s1, yo, k to last stitch, yo, k1
s1, p to end*
repeat from * to * until you have 22 sts.
Switch to yellow color (pencil color)
k1, yo, k to last stitch, yo, k1 (24 sts)
s1, p to end
s1, yo, k11, m1, k11, yo, k1 (27)
s1, p3, k1, p5, k1, p5, k1, p5, k1, p4
*s1, k3, (p1, k5) 3x, p1, k4
s1, p3, (k1, p5) 3x, k1, p4*
repeat from * to * until work measures about 7” from cast on OR 2” short of your desired length.

*insert Witty Title Here* Template

Switch to grey color
Knit garter stitch for 1 inch, still slipping the first stitch in each row.
Switch to pink (eraser color)
Knit stockinette stitch for 1 inch, slipping the first stitch in each row.
Bind off, weave in ends. Block for best results. You can see it's mainly stockinette stitch, so it's inclined to curl some and I didn't lay it very well when I snapped the photo.
Here is a printable version. :)For better or worse, here I am.
For the past few years, I've been putting all of my time and effort into my other blog. You know what it is, I'm not going to worry about explaining it, here. However, that blog doesn't let me rant about my personal life, or at least rant and talk about the stuff that I feel is okay to put online.
Yes, even I have limits to what I'll put on the internet.
Anyway, 2016 is going to be a pretty big year of change for me. I'm starting back to school, I've got a new position at work, I'm in a new relationship, and I'm in such poor physical condition, I'm not sure I'm going to make it. I'm 38 years old, 5'11', 289 lbs. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I'm getting sick easier than I ever have before.
So, I'm turning to my old stand-by for when I need a bit of accountability and support. I'm turning to a blog.
So, here's the 411....
In 2016, I'm going back to school, part time, starting the classes that will, ultimately, get me on the road to becoming a CPA. This is 2 classes a term, six credit hours total. This is going to take a lot of my focus, and while (yet another) blog seems like it would take away that focus, I'm hoping it can help a bit.
Next, work is, well, work. Not much I'm going to be writing about on here, but I'm still throwing out there that I'm taking on a newer position, and I'm having to rework a lot of training material. This is going to be fun, for the most part, but I might have some funny Easter Eggs that I'll throw into the material that I'll want to talk about.
If you follow me on Social Media, you know I'm in a relationship. Just throwing it out there that it's an active part of my life, now, and moving on. It won't be much of a focus, as I'm writing here, for 2016, unless Lizz is okay with that. This is all me.
Now, about my physical condition. I've put stuff up here in the past, and I'll be doing so again. I'll have monthly weigh-ins, talking about where I am, if I've lost anything, and so on. I might talk about an app or two that I'm using, but it'll mainly be posts talking about whether or not I've lost anything, and how I'm feeling.
In short, this is going to be boring, personal stuff, the sort of stuff that readers of my other blog probably don't care about. It won't be all positive, but I'll keep the negativity to a bare minimum. It'll just be the musings of me as I'm trying to make myself better, and I know it won't be easy.