Download Alive At 25 Driving Program Freebackuptype

Alive at 25 - Defensive Driver Course 02/08/2021 AM - ONLINE

with Donna Struthers

Alive at 25 can help teens deal with these issues that can influence their driving behavior. Find an Alive at 25 course in your area. Developing skills. Driver education programs can prepare young people to drive and can play a role in helping teens to begin developing driving skills. Alive at 25 The Oswego County District Attorney's Office has joined forces with the National Traffic Safety Council to bring the 'Alive at 25' program to Oswego County. Alive at 25 is a 4-hour course that follows established protocols that have proven effective in reaching younger drivers.

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This course will be conducted using the Zoom platform. Participants must have access to video and audio equipment and be in a quiet location for the duration of the 4-hour course. You must keep your email and mailing address up to date as we will communicate via email and send you course materials via mail.

You will be sent a link and must download the free Zoom application for this class. Check-in will be 15 minutes before class starts. You must log into the class using your legal first and last name.

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Alive at 25 is a highly-interactive course that teaches drivers under 25 the attitudes of personal responsibility and respectful decision making to ensure they are capable of making safe and legal driving decisions. Drivers between the ages of 15-24 are more likely than anyone else to be killed in a motor vehicle collision. Alive at 25 incorporates Reality Therapy and Choice Theoryâ„¢ techniques to help participants identify the five basic needs that drive human behavior. Whereas driver education teaches the mechanics of car and road handling and state law, Alive at 25 focuses on behavior, judgment, decision making and consequences, and provides tools for making positive choices.

Alive at 25 may be mandated by Court Order as an option to defer a court sentence, or may be mandated as part of a judgment and sentence. You must have been cited before your 25th birthday to be eligible for the course. Community Members may also take the course and must be between the ages of 15 and 24.

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All are welcomed to apply for the program, please contact your local District Court for clarification and eligibility.

Online Class

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