I Have Evidence!

I Have Evidence!



Adam Schiff I Have Evidence Quote

  • 1The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

    ‘the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination’
    • ‘This pattern is consistent within the whole body of evidence in the present study.’
    • ‘The evidence now questions whether the grounds on which we went to war were right.’
    • ‘Insufficient evidence is available to judge whether this relation is cause and effect.’
    • ‘There is a difference between something being true and there being evidence.’
    • ‘You could at least do us the honour of pretending you care whether there's any evidence or not before you act.’
    • ‘As a scientist, I would ask him to present some credible evidence for this belief.’
    • ‘He pondered whether such video evidence might be used to counter the threat of a touchline ban.’
    • ‘Thirdly, wise policy decisions can only be based upon the best available evidence.’
    • ‘We have attempted to find the best available evidence for the topics we discuss.’
    • ‘Major studies based on a growing body of evidence show that pesticides are not safe.’
    • ‘At the moment it appears that workers do not have to provide evidence of their belief.’
    • ‘There is also a substantial body of evidence that would support a contrary argument.’
    • ‘The limited evidence available indicated that the advice given was generally good.’
    • ‘This is not because it would be unsafe, but because we have no evidence to suggest whether or not it is safe.’
    • ‘There is no evidence to suggest whether the sniffers are local or are from outside the area.’
    • ‘Now what matters is not how a treatment is categorised but whether there's evidence to support it.’
    • ‘The shadow of the Earth cast on the Moon during an eclipse added experimental evidence to the belief.’
    • ‘The body of evidence on the health of swine clones is considerably more limited than for bovine clones.’
    • ‘Well I do not know where you would get that idea but I have no evidence of this being true.’
    • ‘The question, if one tries to balance all the available evidence, is a lot trickier than it may seem.’
    proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, authentication, attestation, documentation
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    1. 1.1Law Information given personally, drawn from a document, or in the form of material objects, tending or used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in court.
      • ‘He is entitled by law to call evidence and to be represented by counsel at such a hearing.’
      • ‘For the Crown it is argued that this evidence was admissible but not as evidence of similar facts.’
      • ‘In the absence of such evidence we see no need for the Attorney General to lead evidence in rebuttal.’
      • ‘The claimant introduced the documentary evidence at the start of the hearing.’
      • ‘The answer to this question depends on what evidence was properly admissible at the trial.’
      proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, authentication, attestation, documentation
      testimony, statement, sworn statement, attestation, declaration, avowal, plea, submission, claim, contention, charge, allegation
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    2. 1.2Signs or indications of something.
      • ‘Subtle evidences are indications of the trend to suppress public display of Christianity in favor of other religions, paganism, or simply anti-Christian sentiment.’
      • ‘The end of the twentieth century also brought evidences of decline, marked by ephemera, bombastic spectacle, revivals from better times, and periodic infusions of life from Europe and England.’
      • ‘These evidences indicated that houseflies could be used as a model system, with the possible wider application of alleviating symptoms of aging in human subjects.’
      • ‘There are a variety of additional evidences, which indicate that most, if not all, of the Columbia River basalts were extruded underwater.’
      • ‘Group III consisted of 30 clinical samples collected from lesions that had definitive evidences of non tuberculous disease conditions, was included as negative control.’
      • ‘If some in the present ministry have been charge-sheeted in various criminal cases, there were also quite a few ministers and party in the earlier government with audio-visual evidences of their taking bribes.’
      • ‘Every now and then the scientist and anthropologists discovers new evidences, which fortify India's claim of being culturally most advanced in the ancient times.’
      • ‘Citing several discrepancies including mistake in name of the girl in the report the court decided to ignore the DNA test reports and reached to a conclusion depending on other evidences.’
      • ‘But there is peril ahead if we don't modernize the system, invest in energy the way we need to, because there will be other evidences of problems coming up.’
      • ‘Well, first, there are historical evidences for the text.’
      • ‘Everywhere are evidences of faded ambitions and forlorn whistles in the dark…’
      • ‘The evidences are all there that there is a supernatural being.’
      • ‘How is our sense of place affected by evidences of globalization?’
      • ‘Many other interesting evidences of liberality on behalf of the lord of the soil present themselves, which are well worthy of notice.’
      • ‘There are several evidences of his appreciation of the greatest Soviet ruler.’
      • ‘The first is an attempt to see whether there is evidence of Greek influence.’
      signs, indications, pointers, marks, traces, suggestions, hints
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transitive verb

Some Trump allies have speculated that antifa was responsible for inciting violence and storming the U.S. No evidence supports this claim. (The Washington Post). Evidence that is provided during a court proceeding is referred to as an “exhibit.” In order to present your evidence, you must have a copy for the other party or his or her attorney. Your own copy will be provided to the court. Evidence is anything that you see, hear, or read that causes you to believe that something is true or has really happened. We saw evidence everywhere that a real effort was being made to promote tourism. There was no evidence of problems between them. Evidence is an uncountable noun. Evidence you continually maintained a lawful status since arriving in the United States (or that you are exempt under 245(k) from the INA 245(c)(2), (7) and (8) bars); Confirmation of job offer (on Form I-485 Supplement J, if applicable). The word evidence is a single word expressing a collective body. Evidence may consist of one exhibit (in legal terminology) or many. Each exhibit is referred to as evidence, but so is the entire lot of exhibits. You will often hear terms like not a shred of evidence, not enough evidence, more than enough evidence, the preponderance of evidence.

Have[with object]usually be evidenced
  • Be or show evidence of.

    ‘that it has been populated from prehistoric times is evidenced by the remains of Neolithic buildings’
    • ‘The author herself was visibly moved by the goodwill and support that was evidenced by the large crowd.’
    • ‘This was evidenced in the cohesive and selfless display against Rangers.’
    • ‘The question of player responsiveness to virtual game environments has long been a thorny one, with many contributions to the debate evidencing fears and anxieties about the perceived powers of (new games) technology.’
    • ‘Just how the Court can determine whether a plea is or is not ‘tainted over much by self interest’ would, in my respectful view, be difficult to establish, where the plea is not to be regarded as evidencing remorse.’
    • ‘He uses their lies to confront the political opposition and force them to deny them without ever evidencing any qualms that he might be helping to spread falsehoods and wrong impressions by doing so.’
    • ‘I see that film as evidencing the insidious effects of a creeping, dangerous worldview slowly infecting a small group of people, and then one by one destroying them.’
    • ‘And today, as evidenced by the drowsy street outside, was the day of rest.’
    • ‘This can be evidenced by the way cruising has exploded over the last ten years.’
    • ‘The alternate ending has been widely anticipated in the U.S. as evidenced by internet chatter.’
    • ‘The tension was getting to everyone as was evidenced by a scuffle amongst players and officials in the tunnel.’
    • ‘Certainly the scale of the problem is not evidenced in police statistics.’
    • ‘York had not used the wind well before the break and their lack of boot power was evidenced as they repeatedly failed to clear their lines.’
    • ‘Civil Defence has to deal with a wide diversity of procedures as was evidenced by some of the activities.’
    • ‘He is no doubt a serious man as evidenced by what he told the councillors when he was elected mayor recently.’
    • ‘Its importance in social history is immense as can be evidenced in the museum.’
    • ‘This was evidenced by the long queues for the bouncy castle and frequent shrill requests for ice-cream.’
    • ‘This was evidenced by the record crowds that attended the opening day on Tuesday.’
    • ‘The opposite is evidenced by a total lack of energy and willpower, with sleep not helping even if manageable.’
    • ‘Access to the port was difficult and dangerous as evidenced by the number of shipwrecks.’
    indicate, show, reveal, be evidence of, display, exhibit, manifest, denote, evince, signify
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Schiff I Have Evidence

    give evidence
    • Give information and answer questions formally and in person in court or at an inquiry.

      ‘the person concerned may refuse to give evidence’
      • ‘The third parties were not represented but they gave evidence in the Crown Court.’
      • ‘I presume she gave evidence in response to questions asked of her by the prosecutor.’
      • ‘They involve each claimant getting into the witness box and giving evidence as to what happened to them.’
      • ‘None who gave evidence at the inquiry were ever challenged even though some of them did not know the Jones family.’
      • ‘Do they relate to the transactions about which your affidavit gives evidence?’
    turn King's evidence
    British Law
    • (of a criminal) give information in court against one's partners in order to receive a less severe punishment.

      • ‘in exchange for not being prosecuted he agreed to turn Queen's evidence’
    turn state's evidence
    • 1US (of a criminal) give information in court against one's partners in order to receive a less severe punishment.

      ‘Two of his codefendants confessed to their parts in the robbery, and one codefendant turned state's evidence in return for a reduced sentence.’
      • ‘Some read it as a cautionary tale for anyone contemplating turning state's evidence in antitrust trials.’
      • ‘He is currently serving seven years after admitting his role and has told the court he would have received 28 years if he had not turned Queen's evidence.’
      • ‘He's thinking of turning state's evidence and wants me to try to get him immunity after the mess with the Bulls is cleared up.’
      • ‘And his drug suppliers turned state's evidence basically, got immunity and turned him in to a multi-agency taskforce.’
      • ‘Jackson turned state's evidence against his cohorts.’
      • ‘This book relies predominantly on the evidence of pentiti, mafiosi who have turned state's evidence, to piece together a history.’
      • ‘He must say that I shall only leave him alone if he turns King's evidence and tells all he knows of the plot against the King.’
      • ‘Tye turned state's evidence, and has never been charged.’
      • ‘One turned state's evidence, admitted his involvement and expressed remorse.’
    • 2Give evidence for the prosecution.

      ‘persuading one-time gang members to turn state's evidence’
      • ‘They'll either prosecute him or they'll let him roll and turn state's evidence and get some kind of immunity.’
      • ‘Anthony had made a deal with the District Attorney to turn state's evidence and testify against Smith, if they ever caught him.’
      • ‘Personally, I was surprised neither one of them tried to turn state's evidence against the other.’
      • ‘It displays the old left assumption that all state sector workers should turn state's evidence, and state's investigator.’
      • ‘I decide to turn state's evidence against the Bamboo Union, in particular against some very senior members on some very serious crimes.’
    in evidence
    • Noticeable; conspicuous.

      ‘his dramatic flair is still very much in evidence’
      • ‘At the counter the man who had sold me Tokyo was no longer in evidence; no doubt he had been instantly promoted.’
      • ‘That desire was strongly in evidence in a Gaullist France even during the Cold War.’
      • ‘Its Victorian heritage is in evidence in the grand frontages that line the sea front and perch on the chalky cliffs.’
      • ‘The fun aspect of the event was very much in evidence as the children did their best to get dressed up for the day.’
      • ‘Indeed family atmosphere is very much in evidence as one walks around the Institute.’
      • ‘Then the grasshoppers and other fair weather insects will be in evidence.’
      • ‘Since the stock market crash of 2000, the star fund managers are less in evidence.’
      • ‘Heavy rainfall was experienced over a few days and hailstone was also in evidence.’
      • ‘All those familiar dimensions of the overnight stay were soon in evidence.’
      • ‘But on the night we visited it was well below zero, and there were no youngsters in evidence.’


I Have Evidence Meme

Middle English via Old French from Latin evidentia, from evident- ‘obvious to the eye or mind’ (see evident).

I Have Evidence

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