Whats Next

Some bad news: The traditional career path is dead, and your future success, happiness and financial stability are now 100% in your hands. You are on your own. The good news: WhatsNext.com automatically and effortlessly: reveals the. Directed by Jennifer Lynch. With Angela Bassett, Peter Krause, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Oliver Stark. The 118 rush to save lives in the aftermath of a massive train derailment. What Next?, Fish Creek, Wisconsin. An artsy boutique in Door County featuring an amazing collection of Naot shoes, artisan jewelry & comfortable trend-driven clothing.

Our What's Next®: Books in Series database
helps you search series fiction.

A series is two or more books linked by character(s),
settings, or other common traits.

e.g. Sue Grafton's 'A is for Alibi', 'B is for..' etc. or the 'Star Wars' series

The What's Next®: Books in Series database was developed and is maintained by the Kent District Library. Please contact WhatsNext@kdl.org or 616-784-2016 ext. 2179 with any questions regarding usage, title omissions, or errors.

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In fewer than 80 days, you collected more than 500,000 signatures to unlock the great state of Michigan and give the power back to the people – just like our Founding Fathers intended. We have ZERO doubt that we have more valid signatures than the required number.

That good news was followed — literally within hours — that the state Supreme Court had also, at least for now, invalidated the 1945 law.

But we’re not counting on the court to settle this. We want to get the law off the books entirely by finishing what we started.


The next step is to have our signatures reviewed, and verified, by the Michigan Bureau of Elections. Once they verify them, the Legislature will have the green light to vote to repeal the 1945 Law and overturn Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders.


The Secretary of State, Joclyn Benson, and her team have noted it could take 105 days to review the signatures. In a sworn filing in Federal Court, it was declared that the process on deciding the validity of a petition drive takes “approximately 60 days.”


Whats next for tulsi gabbard

We couldn’t have gotten here without your hard work, but we still need you for the final push to unlock Michigan. Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, and Director of Elections, Jonathan Brater, will need additional persuading to make sure they do not play politics with our verification process. It is our goal to have the Michigan Legislature vote on this still this year.

We need thousands of citizens from across Michigan to send polite, respectful emails to them with a simple message: 60 days means 60 days!


Step 1: Draft a polite, respectful message to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Director of Elections Jonathan Brater insisting that they not exceed the 60-day timetable provided to the federal court, and ensure that the Unlock Michigan initiative is presented to THIS legislature THIS year, as we fully intended. Their emails are below:

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson

Bureau of Elections Director
Jonathan Brater

Step 2: Send your email to and copy us at info@unlockmichigan.com

Step 3: Recruit family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to do the same.


Secretary Benson and her team must feel the pressure of the Michigan citizens.


Please make sure your email is:

  • Short and succinct
  • Clearly stated
  • Respectful and classy
  • Make it professional


Over 500,000 citizens have let their voices be heard: they would like a vote by the Michigan Legislature for the potential repealing of the 1945 Law.

Our signatures have been carefully reviewed for facial validity, and all duplicates have been purged from the signatures presented for validation. We have precisely zero doubt that we have vastly more signatures than the required number.

In a sworn filing in Federal Court, Director of Elections Jonathan Brater declared that their process for deciding on the validity of the petitions takes “approximately 60 days.”

We are anxious to hear confirmation from the Bureau that they will rigidly adhere to this process and timetable. The citizens who initiated this legislation deserve to have their work processed promptly so that THIS Legislature can enact this legislation before the end of THIS year.

Rock n rollgraffiti movies & documentaries. If the citizens of Michigan can collect more than 539,000 signatures in 80 days, during a pandemic, the Bureau of Elections should be able to process a sample of just 500 signatures in 60 days.


We have put together sample emails for your reference.

Email SAMPLE 1:

Dear Secretary of State Benson and Director Brater,

As one of your constituents, I am writing today to ask you to review and validate the petition to repeal the 1945 law in an efficient and timely manner.

We have worked hard on this initiative. Please provide us a fair and just consideration for a petition drive signed by hundreds of thousands of fellow Michiganders.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

First/Last Name
Zip Code

Email SAMPLE 2:

Dear Secretary of State Benson and Director Brater,

What's Next For Tulsi Gabbard

Thousands of Michigan citizens have eagerly signed the petition to repeal the 1945 law.

I am respectfully writing to you today to ask you to review and validate this petition as soon as possible. It has been said on record that the process required to properly validate signatures from a petition drive would take approximately 60 days. We are not asking for special treatment, but for a fair and just review process.

9-1-1 What's Next

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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First/Last Name
Zip Code