Crucible Full Text & Audioms. Schroll's Ela Classes

Red Mountain High School Red Mountain High School On This Mountain We Stand As One. 7301 East Brown Road; Mesa, Arizona; Phone (480) 472-8000. The Crucible young adults, and until this strange crisis he, like the rest of Salem, never conceived that the children were anything but thankful for being permitted to walk straight, eyes slightly low-ered, arms at the sides, and mouths shut until bidden to speak. Looking for The Crucible full text? Read The Crucible full text from jtinley here. Check 11 flipbooks from jtinley. Jtinley's The Crucible full text looks good? Share The Crucible full text online.

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Task 1: Pretest time to complete task – ½ hour

Please complete the pretest BEFORE attempting ANY assignments. Please relax this will only test what you know at this point in time. You are graded for doing it regardless of your score.

Task 2: Background 1time to complete task – 1 hour

Watch: Life in Salem 1692

Write 1 paragraph on each of the following: Religion and Witchcraft, Economic and Social Divisions, Puritan children

Task 3: Background 2time to complete task – 1 hour

Watch the following video: The Story

Write a one paragraph summary of the video.

Task 4: The Crucibletime to complete task – 12 hours

online text:Audio 1 or read print book

For Video: see teacher: or Video

Complete the study guide.

Task 5: Themes in modern non-fictiontime to complete task – 2 hours

Read the following articles:

The first amendment to the US Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Write a three paragraph essay in which you discuss how the rights of people discussed in the articles were violated.

Task 6: Essaytime to complete task – 3 hours

Essay must be typed and submitted using Google Docs, unless you receive other instructions. You MUST DOUBLE-SPACE AND LEFT-JUSTIFY YOUR PAPER. You must complete the rubric handout and turn it in to have your essay graded. Essay must be at least 400 words and include examples from the book. Please note that the grading of your essay may take 24 hours or more. Please be sure to read the information about an Informative Essay before beginning your assignment.

Write an argumentative essay on: choose 1:

Crucible Full Text Pdf

  1. What is the difference between Personal and Societal responsibility.
  2. Discuss how the following quote relates to the texts studied: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
  1. How do we make sense of our new world?
  2. What are the dangers of conformity?
  3. What is the danger in a mob mentality?

Argumentative essay:

  • Take a firm stand on your position. Make a claim statement.
  • Paragraph 1: Introduction ending with a claim statement
  • Paragraph 2, 3, 4,and more: In each paragraph focus on one point which supports your claim statement. Be sure to support your claim with specific examples from The Crucible.
  • Last paragraph: Conclusion. A conclusion ties it all together and leaves your reader knowing that the essay is finished.

Task 7: Music and Literaturetime to complete task – 1 hour

Many contemporary songs are inspired by literature and share common ideas and themes. Pick a song or songs from the list below, which share common ideas or themes from The Crucible. Write 1 ABC paragraph explaining how the The Crucible and your selected song share a theme or idea. See Music and Literature Assignment.

List of songs for The Crucible:

  • Witchy Woman” sung by Eagles
  • Witch Hunt” by Rush
  • We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel
  • What is Truth” by Johnny Cash

Task 8: Art and Literature time to complete task – 1 hour


Go to:HerBlock! Study the second carton entitled, “New Broom.” Think about Arthur Miller’s, “The Crucible.” Finally, think about the meaning of the term “witch hunt.” How do these three things fit together. Write one paragraph explaining your answer.

Task 9: Examtime to complete task – 1 hour

Must achieve a 70% or greater to pass.

Task 10: FIT/Grammar

Activities assigned on a daily basis.

Task 11: Contemporary Fictiontime to complete task – 10 hours

Read The Kite Runner. 5 paragraph essay. Discuss how, much like the population of Salem, the main character’s unwillingness to speak up and take action defines the plot of the book.

You must increase your TABE score to receive credit for this section.

Task 12: Projects time to complete task – 6 hours

First Presentation: Prepare a presentation in which you discuss the themes from The Crucible across literature, film, art, and music.

Second Presentation: Prepare a presentation, using a different tool than the one used in the first presentation, in which you discuss political injustice across the pieces you have studied.

Additional assignments will be assigned at teacher discretion and must be successfully completed to receive credit. You must increase your TABE score to receive credit.

Miller Crucible Full Text


Crucible Full Text Online


The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s classic literature novel, has the following theme(s):

Crucible Full Text & Audioms. Scrolls Ela Classes Online

  • Puritanism vs. Individuality
  • Mob role, hysteria
  • The danger of ideology
  • Reputation and integrity
  • McCarthyism